thinking is dangerous

Predicting the outcome

Here's some pictures, you fiends. I have 2 more rolls worth, which I will construct into a narrative at some point in the future. But I am too busy to satisfy your voyeuristic gluttony at the moment. Instead, I'll quote something about computers.

From Science Daily (which I admit is pretty shitty): Researchers Use Brain Scans To Predict Behavior

By peering into the minds of volunteers preparing to play a brief visual game, neuroscientists at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have found they can predict whether the volunteers will succeed or fail at the game.

"Before we present the task, we can use brain activity to predict with about 70 percent accuracy whether the subject will give a correct or an incorrect response," says lead author Ayelet Sapir, Ph.D., a postdoctoral research associate in neurology.

Eleven seconds before volunteers played the game - discriminating the direction of a field of moving dots - scientists showed them a hint: an arrow pointing to where the moving dots were likely to appear. The dots were visible only for one-fifth of a second and therefore were easy to miss if a subject was not paying attention to the right area.

After the hint and prior to the appearance of the moving dots, researchers scanned the volunteers with functional brain imaging, which reveals increases in blood flow to different brain areas indicative of increased activity in those regions. Based on brain activity patterns that reflected whether the subjects used the hint or not, scientists found they could frequently predict whether a volunteer's response would be right or wrong before the volunteers even had a chance to try to see the dots.

So we can predict how you will behave in a game situation, eh? Thats nice.
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